If you have an
issue with this website or its associated content, please
contact the
Australian Coordinator.
State Coordinator - a
State Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the day to day
running of the GenWeb Project. Duties include liasing
with local Coordinators, research institutions, libraries and
associated genealogy repositories. In addition the
Coordinator maintains the State website and administers the
state message board/query system (currently messages are
being redirected off-site until such time as a new Coordinator
is appointed).
qualities include a love and understanding of genealogy, an
interest in web design and the ability to communicate clearly
and effectively. As this is a supervisory role the
ability to manage, delegate and provide informed guidance are
essential attributes. If you are interested in applying
for the position, please contact the
Australian Coordinator for further details.
Please allow sufficient time for the Coordinator to respond.
Coordinators are volunteers who often juggle multiple commitments.
Your question is important and will be attended to at the first available
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. |