Situated about 30 kms east of Hay on the Sturt Highway opposite the Burrabogie Station

Fox Jim died about 1876 or 1878.
McConnon Alec drowned whilst bathing about 1880.
Niah an aboriginal who died on way from Beabula Siding.
Plumb Tom a shepherd found dead in his camp in the very early days.
Shepherd Jas, horse driver, drowned in very shallow water.
Thompson Charles Dunstan who departed this life at Burrabogie Station NSW 8.9.1879 aged 30 years.
Till Tom drowned at pumping station off Vardry about 17 years.
Unknown A traveller who died of a bee sting at the hut near the wool shed about 1880.

copied from:  Unknown A traveller who died of a bee sting at the hut near the woolshed about 1880 (archive.org)